I was asked what kind of community events and beautification projects I would support if elected. I think that community events is something that Ranlo already does well, although as with almost everything in life there’s opportunity for improvement. There’s two main types of community events I see in Ranlo, both now and in the future- social events and goal driven events.
I would support continuing the events we already have such as MillTown nights, participation in the National Night Out, and the unfortunately delayed Fall Festival. Social events like these are a chance for all of us to get to know our neighbors beyond waving to each other as we drive through town. When we get to know our neighbors as more than just a nameless face, we all treat each other better.
I would also support grass roots events such as the litter cleanup being coordinated by one of the other candidates for commissioner, Trevor Hay. Events like these, put together by the people of Ranlo, provide the greatest benefit because they draw together the people that are interested in improving the town they call home. When the town is in a better financial condition, I would support the establishment of a fund for community improvement grants for events and projects like Trevor’s.
Beautification projects can provide significant benefit to Ranlo. If we want Ranlo to attract both business and homeowners that add beauty by maintaining their properties, it is essential that public areas are designed in a cohesive manner and well maintained. If Ranlo does piecemeal improvements without consideration for how it fits together with existing and future public spaces then we will be stuck with areas that look out of place. They’ll end up looking like an afterthought. I would support a long term unified plan for improvement of Ranlo’s public spaces. It will take longer to see the benefits with this approach but Ranlo will be a better looking town for the long term.